Teams Video Conferencing is next on our list as we take our customers through getting the most out of their Teams investment. Let’s go through this more in depth.
Teams Video Conferencing
Watch and learn more about Teams Video Conferencing with one of our Systems Engineers out of the Willmar location, Alex Moening.
Start in the Calendar section of Teams to begin Video Conferencing. There are two options: Meet Now and New Meeting.
New Meeting
In this section, you are going to schedule a predefined meeting. This is where you will add your attendees, both internal and external contacts can be invited. If they are internal, you can simply type their name and they will pop up. If they are external, you will need to type in their email to send them an email invitation. Don’t forget to select the date, time as well as a meeting description prior to sending the meeting invite. This process will create the meeting. You are able to join prior to the meeting time if you are the meeting host (the original person who created the meeting).
Within the calendar screen, the first induction of a new video conferencing session will appear within your calendar. If you click on the calendar time block, you are able to edit the meeting and establish video and audio options prior to joining the meeting. These options include whether your camera is turned on or off, virtual background set up and which audio you use from your end to listen and speak during the meeting. After video and audio options are selected, hit join now to join and/or start the meeting (depending on your role as attendee or meeting host).
The people icon on the top of the screen will show you the participants who have joined the meeting.
The thought bubble provides meeting participants with the ability to have side conversations or ask questions during the meeting.
The video camera and microphone icons allow you to disable your camera and mute yourself.
The up arrow icon allows you to share your screen if you are ready to present. You have the ability to decide if you want to share your Desktop, particular Window, PowerPoint as well as whether or not you need to include computer sound.
The leave button at the top is how you will leave or end the meeting for all participants.
Meet Now
An additional way to start a video conference meeting is through Meet Now. This button can be found in the upper right hand corner of the Calendar window. In the nature of this meeting option, we find this to be the informal way to meet through video conferencing.
There are two options within Meet Now: Get a link to share or Start Meeting. Both will provide users the ability to start a meeting within their own Teams account as a personal chat room.
Similar to New Meeting, you are brought to a screen that allows you to choose audio and video settings for your meeting. Once joined, you are given three options to invite others to join the video conference: Copy meeting link, Add participants and Share via default email.
Pro Tip
While scheduling a meeting, you can use the Scheduling Assistant to determine when you have open time. When a required attendee is added to your meeting, you can utilize the Scheduling Assistant to see their availability for the meeting as well. This feature aids in booking meetings during times when everyone is available.
The Scheduling Assistant works best within internal teams themselves. Once external contacts are invited, you may be missing the permissions to glance at their availability prior to sending out the invite.
Thanks for joining us and learning more about Teams Video Conferencing. Follow along for our next stop with learning more about your Microsoft Team investment: Teams Collaboration. Have additional questions we have not answered in the blog series? Reach out to us today!